Monday, June 10, 2024

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

It was a rainy day

 For longest moments in my life, this is as far as I can go for revisiting progress.

Things change. The climax , those lifestyle , the almighty silly drunken boy.

I may close this chapter and move on to the normal life, which much we hate to speak about.

No nothing, no brag. My full circle have completed long time ago.

No more stars , No more painting the skies. It still raining.

Perhaps this would say, I am sorry? Can we?


*If you still happen to look onto the sky every night, just remember there's group of Unicorns having orgies with bunch of Gummy Bear up there.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Congratulations on the wedding..finally you settle down ya?...

Thursday, January 28, 2016



Aku hilang seorang kawan hari ini.
Dipanggil oleh Ilahi.

"Bungkuskan aku nasi kandar satu"

Moga kau tenang disana

Monday, November 16, 2015


Les hommes seront toujours fous; et ceux qui croient les guérir sont les plus fous de la bande - Voltaire.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Sejarah dalam Magic

circa 2007

Boss : Apa you gelak-gelak ? looking at my desk? What?!

Aku : Hehe

Boss : See laa .. when the time comes replacing me..then you will know..

Dalam minggu lepas

Aku : Apa korang sengih-sengih? Charges ni semua siapa nak bayar?

Dua ekor mangkuk berdiri depan aku tersengih macam kambing nak kena hambat.

Karma memang celaka.

2 minit lepas

Aku : Happy Deepavali , boss

ExBoss : Thank you bro


Sunday, November 8, 2015


Separuh dari diri aku masih lagi Punk Rock. Masih lagi takkan berubah walau lagi 50% selebihnya sudah compromise ke arah bendalah seperti "Aku..Aku..Aku"... ah fuck.

Separuh jiwa aku masih hilang semenjak 2006 entah kemana aku cicirkan. Terlekat pada dinding-dinding Hentian Bas Temerloh?

Yang pastinya apa yang berbaki dalam jasad ini , aku seret kesana-kemari.

Aku tak boleh daftarkan diri ini pada mana-mana kelab jiwa raga.

Dude, aku dah berhenti merokok.

Dunia tanpa Letterman dan  Sir Terry Pratchett memang buat aku hilang sarkastik. Sekurang-kurangnya Supernatural masih ada.